Katrin Glöwing


Research Associate in the GAIA-X 4 AGEDA Project

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Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience

01.2023 - ongoing     Research associate

  Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences,

  Lippstadt in Germany

07.2022 - 08.2022     Working student in human resources

  Behr-Hella Thermocontrol GmbH (BHTC),

  Lippstadt in Germany

09.2020 - 06.2022     Trainee and working student in research and development, software department

  Behr-Hella Thermocontrol GmbH (BHTC),

  Lippstadt in Germany

05.2019 - 08.2019     Practical semester in the area of technical service, maintenance

  HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA,

  Hamm Bockum-Hövel in Germany

04.2018 - 02.2019     Student assistant in the “Interaction Technology & Design” lab

  Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences,

  Lippstadt in Germany

08.2016 - 07.2017     Federal Volunteer Service

  Adult Education Centre Lippstadt (VHS),

  Lippstadt in Germany


10.2021 - 11.2022     Master of Science

  Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences,

  Lippstadt in Germany

10.2017 - 07.2021     Bachelor of Science

  Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences,

  Lippstadt in Germany

08.2008 - 06.2016     General Matriculation Standard


  Beckum in Germany

Additional Skills and Qualifications


Computer Skills

Driver’s License